

Rite of Acceptance into the Postulancy Program

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During Evening Prayer on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Joseph Binh Nguyen, our young Vietnamese-American, was welcomed into the Assumptionist Postulancy Program at the Center. This was Binh’s first formal step towards religious life in the Assumption. This joyous celebration was continued by a festive meal. Soon he will move to St. Anne’s in Sturbridge for this chapter of… Read More »Rite of Acceptance into the Postulancy Program

Video tour of Emmanuel House with Bro. Daniele

Assumption University Campus Ministry Virtual Tour

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In our Final Video Tour, Abbi Sullivan ‘23 accompanies Br. Daniele Caglioni, A.A. on a guided tour of the Emmanuel House, home of the Augustinians of the Assumption! Here we learn about their home, lifestyle, and community!

Advent Prayer for Vocations

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Oh God of silence, As we begin this holy season of advent, grant me the courage to cultivate silence in my life so that I may open my heart to your voice! Remind me that I am loved, remind me that I am called. Oh God of silence, be with me as a I continue to discover my vocation.

An Interview with Father Oswaldo Garcia Sanchez, A A

Fr. Oswaldo Garcia Sanchez, A.A. shares his experiences as Pastor of the large and active Parish community of (Santiago Apostol) located in Tlilapan, small town outside of Orizaba, Mexico. The Assumptionists have been serving the parish community since 2017.

Fr. Ron shares his vocation story

When did you first consider becoming a priest? When did you receive the beginnings of a call? In the Philippines, growing up as Catholic, I had this sense that the priests were very mysterious and aloof because I only saw them at Mass. But one time, when I decided to attend a retreat, a priest celebrated Mass with us, not… Read More »Fr. Ron shares his vocation story

Fr. Dennis’s homily at Bros. Rodel and Chano’s final profession

  Homily at the Final Profession Mass of Marciano Lopez Solis and Rodel Cervantes Sapalo Orizaba, Mexico February 2, 2018 Chano and Rodel, You have come to this day of celebration at the end of several years of formation to the Assumptionist way of life.  These years have not been without uncertainties, without struggle. But with God’s grace you have… Read More »Fr. Dennis’s homily at Bros. Rodel and Chano’s final profession

Bro. Ryan on his final profession

On the 6th of January I made lifelong vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the Rule of St. Augustine and the Assumptionist Rule of Life.   The Profession Mass took place in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption College.  My immediate family flew in from Colorado and Hawaii. I was happy that the long-awaited moment had… Read More »Bro. Ryan on his final profession

A Christmas message from Fr. Sal Musande

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  Here’s something Fr. Sal Musande, a Congolese Assumptionist, wrote on Facebook. He asks us to pray for peace in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dear Friends, Christmas is upon us. I’ve been thinking lately about how to celebrate Christmas in a war-torn country. Doesn’t Christmas time bring to our families, friends, and minds memories of peace and tranquility? Indeed, we… Read More »A Christmas message from Fr. Sal Musande

Fr. John Franck discusses the Assumptionist charism

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We’re posting an interview John Allen, editor of Crux, did with Fr. John Franck, A.A., who most recently served on the Assumptionist General Council. You can also find it on our main website and our various social media accounts. Does this pique your interest? Yeah? If so, let’s talk. We’d love to have you join us.

Making the culture of vocation real

Assumption College and Assumption College Campus Ministry hosted on Oct. 15 a National Religious Vocation Conference, or NRVC, workshop on the upcoming Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment. About 45 people — religious, ordained, and lay, along with a smattering of students — attended. The Assumptionists were one of the organizers of the workshop. Sr. Julie Fertsch, SSJ,… Read More »Making the culture of vocation real

An anniversary and a renewal of vows

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On Aug. 28, the Feast of St. Augustine, three of our brothers renewed their vows during the 5 p.m. Mass held at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Bros. Ryan Carlsen, Daniele Caglioni, and Brian Verzella each professed to live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience for another year. Also, Frs. Luc Martel and Roger Corriveau celebrated 50 years… Read More »An anniversary and a renewal of vows

Steubenville East and NYC

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We had a great time at both Steubenville East and NYC. It was a pleasure to meet so many people, young and old, who are on fire for Christ.

Father Dennis Gallagher, A.A., named Provincial of the North American Province of the Augustinians of the Assumption

  On June 21, 2017, after consultation with the Assumptionists throughout the North American region, Assumption College Vice President for Mission Father Dennis Gallagher, A.A. was appointed Provincial Superior of the North American Province of the Augustinians of the Assumption by Fr. Benoît Grière, A.A., Superior General of the Congregation. As Provincial of the North American Province, Fr. Gallagher will… Read More »Father Dennis Gallagher, A.A., named Provincial of the North American Province of the Augustinians of the Assumption

Celebration for Fr. Miguel

The Assumptionists celebrated on June 6th Fr. Miguel Diaz’s time as provincial superior of North America and the Philippines. He’ll soon head to Rome to begin his term as an assistant general. Here are some pictures from the celebration. If you’d like to thank Fr. Miguel and wish him well, please comment on Facebook or send us a tweet!

Fr. Ron enjoying time with SOPHIA

Fr. Ron Sibugan is in Rome with the SOPHIA program right now. SOPHIA stands for the Sophomore Initiative at Assumption College, but it of course also means “wisdom” in Greek. And that’s the program’s purpose:  to help sophomores use the wisdom of both the Church and our greatest thinkers to discern their callings in life. Here’s what Fr. Ron had to… Read More »Fr. Ron enjoying time with SOPHIA