Assumptionists aren’t just priests and brothers. Laymen and women are also members of the congregation, making them just as Assumptionist as anyone else.
A few updates from the Lay Assumptionist world:
–French, Colombian, and Spanish members of the International Commission met recently in Worcester and were overseen by Fr. Marcelo Marciel, A.A., a native of Chile who is currently on the General Council in Rome, and Fr. Claude Grenache, A.A., superior of the Assumptionist Center in Brighton.
–Brian and Allison Bialas, the couple in-charge of the Lay Assumptionist group in Brighton, spoke Sunday along with Pat Haggerty, a member of the Sturbridge group, and her husband, Bill, about their vocation to marriage. Each stressed the importance of making faith the center of the relationship.
Interested in becoming a Lay Assumptionist? Contact Fr. Claude or the Bialases for Brighton and Sr. Clare Bertero for Sturbridge.