Assumption University

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  The Assumptionists have staffed Assumption University in Worcester, MA, since its foundation in 1904.  We work there as professors of theology, philosophy, music, English, and more; as administrators in the finance office, mission office, and admissions office; and as campus ministers. President Francesco Cesareo offers three of the many reasons young people choose to study at Assumption: – It offers… Read More »Assumption University

Bayard Press

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Our world-famous Bayard Press was founded by Assumptionists in Paris in 1870, and its flagship publication, the newspaper La Croix, is to this day the third most popular news daily in France. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, it has expanded into a global publishing network whose American offices are located in New London, Connecticut, and produce a number of worship, catechetical, and… Read More »Bayard Press

St. Anne’s Shrine

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Five Assumptionists staff St. Anne’s Parish and Shrine, a sanctuary of peace and tranquility situated on thirty-five acres of natural woodland in the picturesque small town of Fiskdale (Sturbridge), Massachusetts. In addition to a vibrant parish that attracts worshipers even across state lines, the shrine complex also includes a gift shop, an extraordinary icon museum filled with art from the Assumptionist missions in… Read More »St. Anne’s Shrine

The Assumptionist Center

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The Assumptionist Center in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston houses the general curia (administrative offices) for our Province, which includes Canada, the United States, Mexico, and the Philippines. It is also the house of studies for our student brothers in formation, who take courses in philosophy and theology either at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry or at… Read More »The Assumptionist Center

International Apostolates

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Assumptionists from our province are engaged in a number of international apostolates, too. We staff: – Multiple parishes in Mexico; – A language school and social apostolates in the Philippines; – The Montmartre Center of Faith and Culture in Quebec City. Moreover, Assumptionists can be missioned to any of our congregation’s international works. We have a particular involvement in: – Orthodox-Catholic dialogue and a pastoral presence… Read More »International Apostolates

Father Ronald’s Ordination

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On May 2, 2015 — a day of great joy — Brother Ronald Sibugan, A.A., was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Robert McManus in front of a standing room-only crowd at the Assumption College Chapel of the Holy Spirit. An Assumptionist for ten years, Father Ronald — a campus minister at the College and vocation director for the Congregation… Read More »Father Ronald’s Ordination


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As our formation documents explain, committing oneself to Assumptionist religious life calls for a certain number of basic qualities: + a sufficiently balanced character + an aptitude for life in common + those human virtues emphasized by Fr. d’Alzon – uprightness, frankness, human warmth, simplicity, initiative, boldness, generosity and disinterestedness. In addition to these qualities, we look for young men… Read More »Qualifications


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Initial Contact Interested individuals usually engage in written correspondence for some time, then come for one or more visits before requesting a period of residency in one of our communities. Candidacy After a period of residency, an individual may request the status of a candidate. Candidacy is a time after residency when young men enter into a formal discernment process… Read More »Process

Assumption Mission Associates

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For many young people who are discerning a life of service to the Church, and particularly for recent college graduates, it can be useful to spend a year or two doing volunteer work. We are associated with two volunteer programs that can help you to discern a vocation to service within the framework of Assumptionist spirituality. The first recruits almost… Read More »Assumption Mission Associates


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How do I know if I am called to religious life? Religious life is a huge and counter-cultural commitment, so it is completely natural to experience doubt, uncertainty, nervousness, and fear. It is important to put everything into perspective, and to realize that God calls us to take one step at a time. Just as no one expects you to… Read More »FAQ’s