Bro. Eddy ministers to the sick

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Here’s an update from Bro. Eddy Gonzalez, A.A., who is currently serving in the Philippines. 



Today, after Mass, I had the opportunity to visit and give communion to the sick in one of the poor areas of Manila. Bros. Elmer, Brian, Mark, and Kranthy accompanied me, along with other nice people. It was a great experience in which I saw the face of Christ. In this year of Mercy, this is one way to show compassion to others. Witnessing the joy of these people, as well as their tears, reminded me how fragile we humans are and how desperate we need the merciful love of God. Let’s remember the sick in our prayers and visit them. I’m glad to have the blessing to minister to the sick; thanks be to God for this beautiful ministry. It really brings me joy to be an instrument of God, despite the barriers of language. I also learned that, for the Holy Spirit, the Love of God is stronger than culture, color, language, or nationality. We humans are the ones who build barriers. But enough words. These pictures tell more than my words and feelings do. God Bless us all.