Back on Aug. 28, Bro. Blair Nuyda, a native of the Philippines, made his final profession as an Assumptionist. He reflects on the experience below.
What were your thoughts as you made your final profession?
As I look back over the years since I have met the Assumptionists, I feel a certain kind of joy that the Lord has led me to be counted among them as a brother and as a fellow-worker for the extension of the Kingdom. I must admit that the journey was not always easy and I found myself asking whether this was where the Lord wanted me to be.
There were many things in my life that I had to let go and more still that I need to change. In the journey filled with constant conversion, my Assumptionist brothers have provided the invaluable challenge, support and encouragement to be formed in Christ who has called each one of us.
Perhaps like the brothers who had been through the path of Assumptionist formation, I am now at a certain point and with a certain confidence to say that I could not imagine living any other life other than being an Assumptionist—with the conviction that the Lord has truly called me to be one.
Could you reflect on your time with the congregation — from when you entered to now?
As an Assumptionist in temporary vows, I had the chance to expand my horizons in so many different ways. I was able to live with fellows from different parts of the world and call them my brothers. I was given the chance to study theology and art so I may use these disciplines in my future ministry. At the novitiate, I began to take pride in being an heir to the rich spiritual legacy of Father d’Alzon and Saint Augustine. Being with brothers who were out in the field, I have started to kindle that same spark of passion to do something for the Kingdom, especially the poor and those thirsting for God. In so doing, I do realize that not only did my horizons expand, my heart and my capacity to love expanded as well.
What do you expect as you continue your life as an Assumptionist?
I expect many long years—and I pray that I bear fruit as I continue to grow as an Assumptionist. For the next few years, I will be continuing my studies in Art and Ministry. I am convinced that this will allow me to contribute to the Church’s effort in New Evangelization. The apostolic possibilities in this field are boundless: teaching, liturgy animation, youth and campus ministry, media and publishing, spiritual direction, retreats and pastoral counselling through art, etc. If given the chance, I would also like to learn another language.
More and more, it becomes incumbent upon an Assumptionist to stretch his limits to learn more to be able to serve more. It also becomes incumbent upon an Assumptionist to be malleable enough to be formed into Christ. When I freely offered myself when I became I religious brother, the “self” becomes the material (paint, ink, stone…) with which Christ can make himself known and loved by his people.
Also on Aug. 28, Bros. Ryan Carlsen and Sagar Gundiga, along with Fr. Joseph Zhang, renewed their temporary vows.